Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Creative Family

Amanda Soule, creator of the blog Soule Mama is the author of this wonderful book, The Creative Family. I have really enjoyed reading through this book, and I have been truly inspired by its contents.

This is not a typical "how-to"craft book. There are several very cute projects outlined in detail (you can get an idea of the types of projects here) but for the most part, this book provides the reader with an outline to a parenting philosophy that encourages childhood creativity.

Reading The Creative Family fostered a desire in me to set new goals for our family, and create new family traditions. In a world that is so fast paced and hectic, it is very important to be reminded that children respond best to simplicity, often in the form of family togetherness.

Perhaps my favorite aspect of this book is the fact that it celebrates the importance of motherhood. I also love the idea of scheduling creative time for both yourself and your family. For me personally, I know that I long for more personal creative time, but this need is rarely filled because I don't make time for it. I have new determination to finish all of those "projects" I have started, by actually making time for personal creativity.

I must admit, the idea of "family" creative time was a concept I needed to be re-taught. It seems that lately I am pulling out the play dough, paints, crayons, markers, etc.. for the kids to use, but I rarely join in on the fun. I am a busy adult who doesn't have time for that kind of thing :). This book reminded me of the importance of sharing in my children's creative experience. I still do not participate in every play-dough creation, but I have become more aware of the time I do spend, and am now more apt to join in on the fun, rather than just use these activities as a tool to keep my children entertained while I fold laundry, cook dinner, clean, etc... It is nice to be reminded of how much my children respond positively to my involvement, even when it seems small and meaningless.

Here is a great quote from The Creative Family:

"As parents, we are truly blessed to have in our lives both the most
natural and intuitive "teachers" of creativity. I do believe that as
human beings, we are born with the ability, the desire, the passion, and the drive to be creative. We may become anxious about "teaching" creativity to our children, but there is really no need for us to teach. They know how to be creative. They know it with every ounce of their being- it isn't conscious or rational. It is simply who they are. Until something stands in their way they will be creative.....Your role is to provide the environment and to watch and learn. Try to forget and put aside all the things running around your mind--all the lists that need completing, all the distractions of the day, and all the mess you might be making. Focus on your child. Watch. Never forget to play--and if you have forgotten how, just watch your child."

You can purchase The Creative Family at all major bookstores. It
is available at for $10.17.

Who wants to win a copy of The Creative Family?!? We have a copy to give away to one lucky Citrus reader! Leave a comment on this post (any comment) by Midnight June 24th to win. Shipping to Continental US only.


  1. Oh my, this is a call to repentance for me...count me in!

  2. This looks like a real interesting read and one that I'm sure many, including myself, could benefit from.

  3. This looks like a great book, especially for young families. I'd love a copy!

  4. This sounds like a great book and a great parenting philosophy.

  5. Oh my goodness! I REALLY want this book! Please pick me!

  6. Sounds like a book that every family could use! Kids are such a great reminder of pure creativity:)

  7. I've wanted this book since it came out!

  8. sounds like I could use these reminders, too...

  9. Wow, I could really use this! The book sounds wonderful!

  10. This looks wonderful I hope to get a copy.

  11. I could really use a shove in the right direction when it comes to creative parenting... pick me, please!

  12. I have been thinking about buying this book, I would love to win it!

  13. Looks like a great book. i could always use a little inspiration!!

  14. I just got an email from a friend suggesting this to me. I guess I'll have to take it seriously!

  15. We are all creators--I've always loved that insight. And for a reminder of the fact and a way to implement it? I'd love it.

  16. This book sounds great! I'd love to have a copy.

  17. me! me! me! so i can give it to somebodee!

  18. Amanda's blog is great - it's well written and even *pretty*. I'd love a copy of her book!

  19. Sometimes just getting out the playdough is a lot of work. Ugh. Thanks for the reminder of how important being together in the little things makes a big difference. I would love to get a better look at this book. Thanks for the review.

  20. I just found your blog this morning and I decided to spend an hour working on "projects" with my kids. We made my 2 year old's first collage. It was so much fun! I'm definitly going to try to set aside some time just to be creative with my kids.

  21. This book is right up my alley. I hope I get it!

  22. I need help being creative!! Count me in!

  23. This sounds like a great book to read!
    byubabe14 at yahoo dot com

  24. Wow, that looks like a great book I would love to win it!

  25. I could use some inspiration from this book!

  26. I guess I'm a pretty dull mom, I never thought about doing creative things until my son got to be about 15 months old. Then I was like, "Oh! He would probably like to do a little project." We've tried a few and they've been great, but I just get stuck and run out of ideas. This book would be a great tool!

  27. Cool - I'd like it.

  28. I love the idea of making time. I've definitely got to work on that
