Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Go Green!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

You may have just finished your green breakfast, put on your green shirt and started planning your green dinner, but "green" has new meaning in our everyday vocabulary these days. Conversations about saving the planet, recycling, reducing your carbon footprint and living plastic free are more commonplace. I love all of it. I can't say that we have fully embraced every "green" idea, but we do what we can and are always looking for small ways we can make our contribution to a better earth.

I couldn't help but pass on this creative idea from Laura Wilson: Re-useable Snack Bags. Click here for her tutorial. I have not made my own yet, but can't wait to get started. I am not a seamstress by any stretch of the word. Looking over the tutorial, it doesn't look like you need to be a rocket scientist to make these -- my kind of project. I would love to see my family use less plastic bags. This seems like an easy solution though you couldn't use them for everything you use a ziploc bag for.

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