Monday, July 14, 2008


Who doesn't love a knockoff? A cheaper, yet convincingly real version of the original. I love eating out. As much as I love cooking its nice to take a break and I have to admit I have a lot of restaurant favorites. Here are a couple I often imitate at home. The Cafe Rio recipe does take a lot of work but is worth it when you have leftovers for tacos, burritos- whatever. The Outback salad is refreshing and crisp and makes for a good meal after the heavy Cafe Rio dinner. My friend Debbie shared her Chocolate Lava cake with me. It is much like Chili's Molten Chocolate Cake and absolutely delicious.

Your Grocery List
Cafe Rio Pork, Rice and Salad Dressing
Honey Mustard Green Salad
Chocolate Lava Cake
add to kirtsy


Cher said...

Love Rio!! Thanks!

Lizzie said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I absolutely love cafe rio pork salad soooooooooooooo much!

Theresa said...

Cafe Rio....oh one of the things I wish NYC had...thanks for this Holly!