Monday, January 12, 2009

Make Way For Baby

We are welcoming a new baby to our house this week. So rather than trying out new recipes (or even venturing near anything with a recipe I must read and follow) we are keeping things simple. In fact, tonight, I am going through all my meal plans and picking out the meals that can be made with few ingredients, prepared quickly OR freeze well (so I have freezer meals to serve up when my live in cook is gone i.e. Mom).

Next Monday I will post some of them. But I would LOVE to try your easy peasy, good for after baby meals. If you have one to share, email me at hollyhancey at hotmail dot com

Until then, here is a quicky to munch on:

Grilled Tomato Basil Sandwiches

A staple at our house, I surprised myself that I had not posted this "recipe" already! I love using pesto sauce rather than whole basil leaves so you don't pull a whole leaf out when you take a bite- this way, every bite has a taste of basil- not just the bite where you are chewing nothing but basil haha

You can find pesto sauce in a tube near the spaghetti sauce and Italian foods. Its a great way to have the taste of fresh basil on hand.

4 slices focaccia bread
4 slices whole milk mozzarella
2 small tomatoes (6 slices)
4 Tbsp pesto sauce

Assemble the sandwiches with 2 slices of cheese on one slice of bread and spread 2 Tbsp of pesto and 3 slices of tomato on the other side. I take the two slices of bread with cheese and put them in the microwave for about 20-30 seconds just to get the cheese warm. Meanwhile, pre-heat a skillet to med-hot.

I then put the tomato basil slices on top of the cheese slices, butter the top of the bread and flip them onto a medium- hot skillet. While the underside cooks, butter the top side and flip the sandwiches.

With practice you will have melted cheese and golden toasted bread.

add to kirtsy


Kendra said...

An easy recipe I got from a friend:
Rotisserie chicken
Caesar salad kit
Shred some chicken, mix salad and stuff some of both into the pita. Tasty.

Holly said...

oooh I like that one! So cinchy. Thanks!

Sarah said...

This is fast and good for kids. (My hubby actually really likes it now and then as well)
Easy chicken Pot Pie
Two frozen deep dish pie crusts
2 cans cream of potato soup
1 can milk
1 can veg all
1 can white meat chicken drained
dash of salt and pepper
mix everything and throw it in one pie crust and then top it with the second. Slit the top crust and bake at 425 for about 45 min.
Best of luck~